biography ARCHIVE
Rob Manning Rob Manning
Rob Manning
Director of Communications

Rob Manning is the Bureau of Reclamation’s director of communications. In this role he is responsible for developing proactive strategies to integrate the bureau’s national strategic communications and engagement efforts of four offices, including public affairs, congressional affairs, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and digital/web engagement.  
Rob joined Reclamation in 2020 and most recently served as the chief of public affairs. Prior to joining Reclamation, he was the vice president of communications for the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation and retired from the U.S. Army in 2019 as a colonel and Pentagon Spokesperson. 
Rob is a native of Manning, South Carolina and earned a Bachelor of Art degree in Political Science from South Carolina State University. He also obtained a Master of Science in Public Administration (Media Studies) from Central Michigan University and a Master of Science in National Security Studies and Resourcing Strategy from the National Defense University (The Eisenhower School). He resides with his family in Triangle, VA. 

News Release

Updated: 03/15/2024
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