Norman Rockwell
Norman Rockwell (1894-1978)
Norman Rockwell at Glen Canyon Dam
Norman Rockwell at Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona

Norman Rockwell is arguably one of America's most recognized artists. Born in New York, he left high school to study at the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League of New York. The cover of The Saturday Evening Post was his forum for over forty years, producing more than 400 covers for the magazine. Rockwell described himself as a "people painter," and indeed, people, common people from all walks of life were the models for most of his works. Among the most prominent subjects of Rockwell's work were Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson, and world leaders including Nassar of Egypt and Nehru of India. The Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts has preserved a large collection of Rockwell's works.

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