Project Details
Title: Trinity River Variable Flow Project
Tracking Number: CGB-ED-2024-047
Summary: The Trinity River Restoration Program proposes to alter flow releases from Lewiston Dam for beneficial use to salmonids in the winter and spring months. The releases would remain within the Record Of Decision (ROD) -authorized water volumes; flows would be shifted to the winter period to better mimic natural flow conditions. Variable flow releases would inundate rearing habitats prior to and during fry emergence, reduce cold water suppression in spring and early summer, create seasonally appropriate scour to promote production of prey species and drift foraging opportunities for juvenile fish, and encourage earlier juvenile fish outmigration. A portion of the ROD water would be released during the winter and early spring season in two distinct periods, termed the Flow Synchronization Period and the Elevated Baseflow Period. This project was previously recorded under tracking number CGB-EA-2024-011.
Lauren Alvares 530-623-1806 N/A
12/19/2024Final EA and FONSI posted.
09/18/2024Environmental Assessment in progress.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, Trinity River Variable Flow Project .pdf 2,050,688 B
Final Environmental Assessment, Trinity River Variable Flow Project .pdf 17,863,598 B
Hoopa Valley Tribe Signing Considerations .pdf 539,404 B