Project Details
Title: Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and Metropolitan Water District 10-year Water Transfer/Exchange Program, 2024
Tracking Number: CGB-EA-2024-015
Summary: The purpose of the Proposed Action is to provide for the expeditious and timely delivery of Arvin-Edison Water Storage District (Arvin- Edison) available and contracted surface water supplies to Metropolitan Water District (MWD) in lieu of groundwater that otherwise would have been pumped and delivered to MWD in order to fulfill return water obligations under the Program. In addition, the Program would allow Arvin-Edison to temporarily store water with MWD for return at a later time that is more useful to Arvin-Edison customers, thereby making more efficient use of its contract water supplies.
Brian Lopez 559-262-0336 N/A
07/23/2024Final EA and FONSI posted.
01/19/2024Draft Environmental Assessment posted for public review through 2/20/2024.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
CGB-EA-2024-015 Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and Metropolitan Water District 10-year Water Transfer/Exchange Program, Finding of No Significant Impact .pdf 261,901 B
CGB-EA-2024-015 Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and Metropolitan Water District 10-year Water Transfer/Exchange Program, Final Environmental Assessment .pdf 502,890 B
CGB-EA-2024-015 Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and Metropolitan Water District 10-year Water Transfer/Exchange Program, Environmental Assessment .pdf 726,217 B