Project Details
Title: Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for Westlands Water District and Santa Clara Valley Water District 2020-2022
Tracking Number:
Summary: Bureau of Reclamation proposes to execute six interim renewal contracts beginning March 1, 2020. These six interim renewal contracts would be renewed for a two-year period from March 1, 2020 through February 28, 2022. In the event a new long-term renewal contract for water service is executed, the interim renewal contract then-in-effect would be superseded by the long-term renewal contract. Under the Proposed Action, Westlands Water District (Westlands) would continue to receive up to 1,192,948 acre-feet (AF) per year and Santa Clara Valley Water District (Santa Clara) would continue to receive up to 6,260 AF per year of CVP water pursuant to the interim renewal contracts.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
02/26/2020Final documents
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for Westlands Water District and Santa Clara Valley Water District 2020-2022 .pdf 271,028 B
Final Environmental Assessment Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for Westlands Water District and Santa Clara Valley Water District 2020-2022 .pdf 18,243,981 B
Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for Westlands Water District and Santa Clara Valley Water District 2020-2022 .pdf 7,003,808 B