Project Details
Title: Refuge Acquisition for Tertiary Treated Water for East Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex (2018-2023)
Summary: Reclamation is entering into a one-year agreement with possible extensions for up to five years with Santa Rita LLC to purchase tertiary treated recycled water for the East Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Santa Rita would provide Reclamation up to 6,000 AFY of tertiary treated recycled water to be delivered to the Refuge. The Acquired Water would leave the Gallo Point of Discharge into a natural channel where there is an existing pipe inlet and standpipe to Bear Creek and then blend with other instream flows in Bear Creek. The combined waters would travel to the Refuge pump station, approximately five miles west. The original source of the Acquired Water comes from the City of Atwater's Bert Crane Treatment Facility. The term of the Agreement will be one year and delivery of water is expected to begin in fall 2018.
Shelly Hatleberg (916) 978 5050 (916) 978-5290
09/18/2018FONSI Signed
09/10/2018Draft EA posted for public review. Comments due COB 17 September 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI and Environmental Assessment, Refuge Acquisition Agreement for Tertiary Treated Water for East Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex (2018-2023) .pdf 5,916,270 B
Draft EA, Refuge Acquisition Agreement for Tertiary Treated Water for East Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex (2018-2023) .pdf 1,131,691 B