Project Details
Title: Transfer of Up To 2,500 Acre-Feet of Tulare Irrigation District's Central Valley Project Water to Wutchumna Water Company
Summary: Reclamation proposes to approve the one-time transfer of up to 2,500 acre-feet of CVP water from Tulare to Wutchumna for late-season irrigation deliveries. This transfer will occur within existing facilities and will not require construction activities. In return, up to 2,500 acre-feet of Wutchumna's Kaweah River water will be redirected to Tulare using existing in-district water delivery infrastructure.
Brian Lopez 559-262-0336 N/A
08/20/2018Final EA and FONSI posted.
07/24/2018Comments due by COB August 10th, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - Transfer of Up To 2,500 Acre-Feet of Tulare Irrigation District's Central Valley Project Water to Wutchumna Water Company .pdf 809,802 B
Final EA - Transfer of Up To 2,500 Acre-feet of Tulare Irrigation Disttrict's Central Valley Project Water to Wutchumna Water Company .pdf 578,308 B
FONSI - Transfer of Up To 2,500 Acre-Feet of Tulare Irrigation District's Central Valley Project Water to Wutchumna Water Company .pdf 350,740 B
Draft EA - Transfer of Up To 2,500 Acre-Feet of Tulare Irrigation District's Central Valley Project Water to Wutchumna Water Company .pdf 1,076,506 B