Project Details
Title: Partial Assignment from Mercy Springs Water District and Fresno Slough Water District to Angiola Water District
Summary: Reclamation proposes to issue a partial assignment of 1,300 AFY of Mercy Springs' CVP contract allocation and a full assignment of 4,000 AFY of Fresno Slough's CVP contract allocation to Angiola. The term of the assignments would be the same as the existing water service contracts, through February 28, 2030. In turn, Reclamation would amend Mercy Springs' CVP water service contract quantity to be 1,542 AFY. Reclamation would also amend Fresno Sloughs' CVP contract qauntity to be 0 AFY. Fresno Slough would continue to retain their pre-1914 water rights water supply of 866 AFY pursuant to the terms of their CVP contract.
Brian Lopez 559-262-0336 N/A
03/04/2020FONSI signed
10/03/2019Draft EA posted for public review. Comments are due by COB 11/01/2019
07/02/2018Draft FONSI and EA posted for public review. Comments are due by COB 8/6/2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, Partial Assignment from Mercy Springs Water District and Fresno Slough Water District to Angiola Water District .pdf 945,433 B
Final EA, Partial Assignment from Mercy Springs Water District and Fresno Slough Water District to Angiola Water District .pdf 5,712,327 B
Draft FONSI and EA - Partial Assignment from Mercy Springs Water District and Fresno Slough Water District to Angiola Water District .pdf 761,706 B
Draft Environmental Assessment Partial Assignment from Mercy Springs Water District and Fresno Slough Water District to Angiola Water District EA-16-030 .pdf 614,206 B