Project Details
Title: Water Exchange Agreement with San Luis and Grassland Water Districts for Refuge Level 4 Water Supplies
Summary: Reclamation proposes to enter into an agreement with SLWD and GWD to provide South of Delta refuges with additional Refuge Level 4 Water in exchange with SLWD for Refuge Level 2 water. The Proposed Action would further the goals and objectives of the Refuge Water Supply Program (RWSP) by improving refuge water availability South of the Delta.
Shelly Hatleberg (916) 978 5050 (916) 978-5290
04/13/2018Final EA and FONSI posted.
04/02/2018Draft EA posted for public Review. Comments due by COB April 9th, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - Water Exchange Agreement with San Luis and Grassland Water Districts .pdf 1,504,029 B
Final EA - Water Exchange Agreement with San Luis and Grassland Water Districts for Refuge Level 4 Water Supplies .pdf 3,537,188 B
Draft EA - Water Exchange Agreement with San Luis and Grassland Water Districts .pdf 3,537,188 B