Project Details
Title: Cawelo Water District Famoso Basin Pipeline Project
Summary: Under the Proposed Action Alternative, Reclamation would grant the SF 299 federal lands encroachment permit to implement the Proposed Action to allow construction within the FKC right-of-way (ROW). Reclamation would also provide partial funding through a CALFED grant of $750,000 to CWD for construction of the Proposed Action. The Proposed Action would allow for the efficient conveyance and return of surface water between CWD and the FKC.
Nathaniel Martin 916-978-6153 N/A
03/12/2018FONSI and Final EA posted
02/12/2018Draft EA available for public comment. Comments are due by COB February 23, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - Cawelo Water District - Famoso Basin Pipeline Project .pdf 132,938 B
Final EA - Cawelo Water District Famoso Basin Pipeline Project .pdf 2,543,754 B
Draft EA - Cawelo Water District Famoso Basin Pipeline Project .pdf 6,420,855 B