Project Details
Title: Eastside Bypass Improvements Project Initial Study/Draft Environmental Assessment
Tracking Number:
Summary: The proposed project is part of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP). DWR proposes to design, permit, and implement the following three project elements to facilitate fish migration and increased Restoration Flow capacity in the Eastside Bypass by 2020: 1. Reinforce approximately 2 miles of levee along the Eastside Bypass to improve levee stability and reduce seepage (Reach O levee improvements). 2. Modify the existing Eastside Bypass Control Structure to improve fish passage. 3. Replace the existing culvert at the Dan McNamara Road crossing at the Eastside Bypass to improve fish passage. In addition, Reclamation proposes to design, permit, and implement the following project element to facilitate fish migration in the Eastside Bypass by 2020: 1. Improve fish passage by removing two weirs located in the Eastside Bypass that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service operate to provide water to the Merced National Wildlife Refuge, and replace an existing abandoned well with a new well to provide replacement water supply for the Refuge. The EBIP Final EA/IS consists of the December 2017 Draft EA/IS, including Appendices A and B; public comments received (Appendix C), responses to public comments and minor text changes to the EA/IS (Appendix D), Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance documentation (Appendix E) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 compliance documentation (Appendix F).
Becky Victorine (916) 978-4624 916-458-1850 San Joaquin River Restoration Project Office
04/06/2018IS/MND posted for public review. Comments were due by COB January 9, 2018. We are extending the public review time to Friday January 19, 2018. FONSI signed and response to comments prepared on April 5, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Eastside Bypass Improvements Project, 18-04-SJRRP .pdf 131,830 B
Signed FONSI, Eastside Bypass Improvements Project, 18-03-SJRRP .pdf 275,696 B
IS/MND and Draft EA - Eastside Bypass Improvements Project - Part 1 .pdf 6,504,581 B
IS/MND and Draft EA - Eastside Bypass Improvements Project - Part 2 .pdf 6,812,618 B
IS/MND and Draft EA - Eastside Bypass Improvements Project - Part 3 .pdf 6,809,001 B
IS/MND and Draft EA - Eastside Bypass Improvements Project - Part 4 .pdf 415,415 B
Appendix A and Appendix B .pdf 4,409,174 B
Appendix C Part 1, Eastside Bypass Improvements Project .pdf 5,113,878 B
Appendix C, Part 2, Eastside Bypass Improvements Project .pdf 6,645,978 B
Appendix C, Part 3, Eastside Bypass Improvements Project .pdf 3,826,123 B
Appendix D,Eastside Bypass Improvements Project .pdf 212,081 B
Appendix E,ESA,Eastside Bypass Improvements Project .pdf 20,766,744 B
Appendix F, 106 compliance, Eastside Bypass Improvements Project .pdf 256,639 B