Project Details
Title: Rangewide and Landscape Genomics Research on the Central DPS of California Tiger Salamander
Tracking Number:
Summary: The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) proposed to grant $350,865.32 to the University of California, Los Angeles to conduct research on landscape resistance and the movement of native and non-native genes, across the range of the Central Distinct Population Segment of the California tiger salamander. The work will focus on four genetically distinct geographic management units: Santa Barbara County, Sonoma County, the western Central Valley (SF Bay Area and the Central Coast Range), and the eastern Central Valley (Central Valley and Southern San Joaquin County). The project would last 2 years and six months. The proposed action supports goals of the Central Valley Project Conservation Program and those included in the 2017 Recovery Plan for the Central California Distinct Population Segment of the California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense) published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Dan Strait (916) 978-5052 (916) 978-5055
Dan Cordova 916-537-7060 N/A
09/29/2017Finding of No Significant Impact signed on September 29, 2017
09/08/2017Environmental Assessment available for public review on September 8, 2017. Comments are due by COB on September 22, 2017.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Finding of No Significant Impact Rangewide and Landscape Genomics of the Central DPS of California Tiger Salamander FONSI 17-22-MP .pdf 3,064,893 B
Rangewide and Landscape Genomics of the Central DPS of California Tiger Salamander Environmental Assessment .pdf 2,042,500 B