Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA)

In one of its last actions of the session, the 102nd Congress passed multipurpose water legislation which was signed into law October 30, 1992. Previously referred to as H.R. 429, Public Law 102-575 contains 40 separate titles providing for water resource project throughout the West. Title 34, the CVPIA, mandates changes in management of the Central Valley Project, particularly for the protection, restoration, and enhancement of fish and wildlife.

Ten major areas of change include: 800,000 acre-feet of water dedicated to fish and wildlife annually; tiered water pricing applicable to new and renewed contracts; water transfers provision, including sale of water to users outside the CVP service area; special efforts to restore anadromous fish population by 2002; restoration fund financed by water and power users for habitat restoration and enhancement and water and land acquisitions; no new water contracts until fish and wildlife goals achieve; no contract renewals until completion of a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; terms of contracts reduced from 40 to 25 years with renewal at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior; installation of the temperature control device at Shasta Dam; implementation of fish passage measures at Red Bluff Diversion Dam; firm water supplies for Central Valley wildlife refuges; and development of a plan to increase CVP yield.
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for CVPIA
The NOFO for the Central Valley Project Improvement Act Fisheries Habitat and Facilities Improvement has been posted on www.grants.gov. All State governments; Non-profits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education); County, Special District, City or Township Governments; and Native American Tribal Governments (federally recognized) are encouraged to apply. The application deadline is November 30, 2021. To locate the notices from the grants.gov home page, select “Search Grants” on the menu bar then enter opportunity number "R21AS00617" in the "Funding Opportunity" search field to take you to the notices.
For additional information, please contact:
- Heather Casillas at 916-223-0028, hcasillas@usbr.gov or
- Steve Whiteman at 916-978-6190, steve_whiteman@fws.gov
Latest Documents
- CVP Habitat Restoration
- East Sand Slough Side Channel Project Fact Sheet
- CVPIA Fact Sheet
- Fiscal Year 2021 Obligation Plan for CVPIA Authorities
- Near Term Restoration Strategy
- FY 2020 Obligation Plan for CVPIA Authorities Public Draft Workplan (PDF - 680 KB)
- FY 2020 CVPIA call for Project Proposals, Final (PDF - 659 KB)
- FY 2020 SIT and Core Team Tech Memo, Final (PDF - 308 KB) | Addendum (PDF - 68 KB)
Previously Uploaded Documents
- CVPIA 2017 AWP Main Body FINAL DRAFT (PDF - 495 KB)
- Attachment 1 Memo on CVPIA Core Team Priorities (PDF - 26 KB)
- Appendix B Fisheries Public Charters (PDF - 1.3 MB)
- Appendix B Refuge Charters Public Version (PDF - 354 KB)
- Appendix B Admin Charters Public (PDF - 89 KB)
- Appendix B Independent Programs Public Version (PDF - 277 KB)
- CVPIA 2016 Annual Work Plan Public Draft (PDF - 1.1 MB)
- 2016 Administration and Program Management Charters Appendix (PDF - 790 KB)
- Fisheries Charters Appendix for the 2016 Annual Work Plan Public Draft (PDF - 1.4 MB)
- Independent Programs Charters Appendix for the 2016 Annual Work Plan Public Draft (PDF - 829 KB)
- Refuge Charters Appendix for the 2016 Annual Work Plan Public Draft (PDF - 616 KB)
Database Search
- More about the CVPIA on our website
- More about Central Valley Projects
- Historical Public Meeting documents
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