- Reclamation
- California-Great Basin
- Area Offices
- Projects, Activities, Documents
- Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation
Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation

The Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation (SDFPE) is an effort to evaluate the feasibility of reintroducing Chinook salmon and steelhead to tributaries above Shasta Lake. A Fish Passage Pilot Implementation Plan is being developed with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service, the California Department of Water Resources, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the California State Water Board.
The SDFPE is part of Reclamation’s response to the June 4, 2009, Biological Opinion (BO) and Conference Opinion on the Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project (CVP) and State Water Project (SWP) by NMFS.
The NMFS BO concluded that, as proposed, CVP and SWP operations were likely to jeopardize the continued existence of four federally- listed anadromous fish species: Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, California Central Valley steelhead, and the Southern distinct population segment of the North American green sturgeon. The BO set forth a Reasonable and Prudent Alternative (RPA) that allows continued operation of the CVP and SWP in compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).
The NMFS RPA includes a Fish Passage Program (Action V) to evaluate the reintroduction of winter-run and spring-run Chinook salmon and steelhead. Action V of the RPA applies to three dams operated by Reclamation: Shasta, Folsom, and New Melones. The near-term goal for Action V is to increase the geographic distribution and abundance of the listed fish. The long-term goal is to increase abundance, productivity, and spatial distribution, and to improve the life history, health, and genetic diversity of the target species.
Some of the following documents may not be VI/508 Compliant. For more information, please contact the Bay-Delta Office at 916-414-2413.
Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation
- SDFPE Scoping Report (PDF - 201 KB)
- SDFPE Scoping Report, Attachment A (PDF - 1.8 MB)
- SDFPE Scoping Report, Attachment B (PDF - 12.7 MB)
- SDFPE Scoping Report, Attachment C (Note: Very large document - PDF - 99.2 MB)
- Bureau of Reclamation Press Release – Reopening of Public Scoping Comment Period for SDFPE EIS – August 29, 2017
- Federal Register Notice - Reopening of Public Scoping Comment Period – August 29, 2017
- Bureau of Reclamation Press Release – Public Scoping Meetings for SDFPE EIS – June 13, 2017
- Federal Register Notice - Notice of Intent for SDFPE EIS - June 15, 2017 (PDF - 2.79 MB)
- Near-term RPA Action Public Scoping Presentation June 2017 (PDF - 2.79 MB)
Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment
- Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation Preliminary Draft Environmental Assessment - April, 2017 (PDF - 2.3 MB)
Fish Passage Pilot Plan
- Revised Draft Pilot Implementation Plan - December 2016 - (PDF - 3.12 MB)
- Reclamation Releases Draft Pilot Implementation Plan for the Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation - (Released on: January 14, 2016)
- Fish Passage Pilot Plan (PDF - 2.73 MB)
Habitat Assessment Final Report
- Habitat Assessment (PDF - 4.6 MB)
- Appendix A (PDF - 267 KB)
- Spawning Habitat Criteria Review (PDF - 401 KB)
- Bibliography of Habitat Criteria (PDF - 142 KB)
- Bibliography of Existing Habitat Information (PDF - 158 KB)
- Sources of Existing Habitat-Related Data (PDF - 253 KB)
- Appendix B (PDF - 2.5 MB)
- Appendix C (PDF - 3.1 MB)
- Fact Sheet (PDF - 293 KB)
- NMFS RPA Action V - Fish Passage (PDF - 127 KB)
- Initial Study - Shasta Upstream Habitat 2010 (PDF - 556 KB)
Interagency Fish Passage Steering Committee
- Annual Report 2015 (PDF - 845 KB)
- Annual Report 2014 (PDF - 793 KB)
- Annual Report 2013 (PDF - 1.2 MB)
- Annual Report 2011 (PDF - 1.5 MB)
- Annual Report 2010 (PDF - 3.3 MB)
- Annual Report Presentation 2010 (PDF - 1.8 MB)
Public Outreach
- Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation Fact Sheet (PDF - 293 KB)
- NMFS RPA Action V - Fish Passage (PDF - 127 KB)
- NMFS Video: Rights of Passage – Taking Action to Restore Listed Anadromous Fish
- NMFS Species in the Spotlight: Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon
- Project Update Webinar Powerpoint (PDF - 127 KB)
- Public Outreach Plan - March 6, 2014 (PDF - 784 KB)
- Attachment A - Landowner and Stakeholder Analysis (PDF - 162 KB)
- Attachment B - Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation Questions for Interviews with Stakeholders and Landowners (PDF - 49 KB)
- Attachment C - Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation Interview Transcripts (PDF - 380 KB)
Landowner and Stakeholder Workshop
- Press Release (PDF - 112 KB)
- Meeting Agenda (PDF - 28 KB)
- Presentation: Study Background, Regulatory Requirement and Permitting Process (PDF - 1.1 MB)
- Presentation: Introduction of the Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation and Pilot Implementation Plan (PDF - 4.3 MB)
- Presentation: Habitat Studies (PDF - 3.1 MB)
- Workshop Summary (PDF - 112 KB)
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