Yuma Water Operations Dashboard
Real-time* water operations at a glance
Brock Reservoir
Depth (FT): Cell 1 - 19.69 (as of 3/14/2025 2:05 PM) Cell 2 - 19.62 (as of 3/14/2025 2:05 PM) Storage Volume (AF): 7861.06 (as of 3/14/2025 2:00 PM) Total Capacity (Cells 1 + 2): 8440 AF |
Senator Wash Reservoir
Elevation AMSL (FT): 239.60 (as of 3/14/2025 2:08 PM) Storage Volume (AF): 8993.62 (as of 3/14/2025 2:00 PM) Total Capacity: 9144 AF Volume Stored YTD (AF): XX.XX (as of X/X/XXXX X:XX AM) |
Yuma Mesa Conduit & Gila Valley DPOCs
Senator Wash Status
YTD Totals
Groundwater (AF): |
Note: Hover and/or click on each marker to view real-time data at each location or to open PDF reports containing groundwater elevation maps for each area. LegendGaging Station Pump Groundwater Area |
Data Disclaimer:
The data and information shown on this page are collected by an automated process and are provisional in nature.
Users are cautioned to carefully consider the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences.
Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these data and information may be obtained by contacting the office shown below:
Yuma Area Office
7301 Calle Agua Salada
Yuma, AZ 85364
Phone: 800-433-8464 or 928-343-8100