Automated* Lower Colorado River Operations Schedule

Releases from Davis dam may vary from between a 1-unit flow (4,200 cfs) to a 5-unit flow (23,000 cfs). Releases from Parker dam may vary from between a 1/2-unit flow (1,800 cfs) to a 4-unit flow (19,000 cfs). Seasonal minimum and maximum releases vary to coincide with downstream municipal and agricultural water demands. Releases are at their lowest during the late fall and winter seasons, and they are at their highest during the late spring and summer seasons.

Daily releases are made to meet downstream municipal and agricultural water demands while hourly releases are made to coincide with peak hydropower demand. River levels on the lower Colorado River vary based on Hoover, Davis, and Parker dam releases. Scheduled releases may vary in response to changing conditions, maintenance, and unforeseen circumstances. Current observed and projected average daily and hourly releases and midnight lake elevations for the week, as well as anticipated averages for the near future are shown in the tables and graphs that follow. Users may click on the icons to view graphs for daily and hourly projections for each dam.

 Control Display Icon  Hoover Dam/Lake Mead: Daily Projections

 Control Display Icon  Davis Dam/Lake Mohave: Daily and Hourly Projections

 Control Display Icon  Parker Dam/Lake Havasu: Daily and Hourly Projections

Data relevant to Lower Colorado River operations for Lake Powell, Colorado River unregulated inflows, Painted Rock Dam, Alamo Dam, and the Yuma Area Operations Office may be found at their respective websites.

ALL RIVER USERS are advised that fluctuating river flows may conceal or create natural hazards such as moving sandbars, gravel bars, unstable riverbanks, floating or submerged debris, or other unfamiliar obstacles. Caution should be exercised while using the river between Davis Dam and the Mexican Border at San Luis, Arizona.

Data Disclaimer:
The data and information shown on this page are collected by an automated process and are provisional in nature. Users are cautioned to carefully consider the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these data and information may be obtained by contacting the office shown below:

Water Operations Control Center
500 Fir St.
Boulder City, NV 89005
Phone: 702-293-8373