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Lower Colorado Region Youth Council (LCRYC)

Join in the Youth Programs in the Lower Colorado Region

Youth Council

The purpose of the Lower Colorado Region Youth Council (LCRYC) is to increase the awareness of the mission and activities of the Bureau of Reclamation’s Lower Colorado Region, while simultaneously providing learning activities, volunteer opportunities, job shadowing and career choices to young individuals selected for the program.

This one-year program will introduce the members of the Youth Council to various areas within Reclamation including, but not limited to: Flood Control, River Management, Hydroelectric Power, Recreation, Natural and Cultural Resources, and Drought Mitigation. The Youth Council members will be introduced to disciplines such as: Engineering, Biology, Human Resources, Finance, and Contracting and Program Administration, and have opportunities to tour historical and nature-rich areas along the lower Colorado River, as well as other areas managed by the Bureau of Reclamation.

Council members will be provided an opportunity to interact with various members of the Lower Colorado Region professional staff, design and develop projects and programs that enhance the Bureau of Reclamation’s mission, and stimulate hands-on learning on the various conservation, water and power programs under the stewardship of the Lower Colorado Region.

For more information on the history of the Bureau of Reclamation and the Lower Colorado Region, please see the links below:

Are you a future LCRYC member?

Ideal candidates for the LCRYC are local high school students who are currently in their junior or senior year (at least 17 years of age), as well as those students in their first year of college. Candidates are selected based on academic and leadership skills, as well as an interest in water management, hydroelectric power, and natural resources in the area of water and habitat conservation.

Applications will be accepted from both public and private high school and college students. Students meet approximately once a month for 2 hours and are provided with actual programs and projects to accomplish.

Many opportunities await you! If you are interested in becoming part of the LCRYC, please fill out the
online form.  

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Webmaster: sha-lcr-webcomments@usbr.gov
Updated: May 2015