Lower Colorado Region Office
Regional Director
Jacklynn 'Jaci' GouldThe Lower Colorado Regional Office manages and operates the lower Colorado River system in a manner that respects the rights and obligations established under the existing "Law of the River" while seeking creative ways to meet the changing and contemporary needs of the river basin. To help accomplish this, we have several key objectives:
Effectively carry out the Secretary of the Interior's role as watermaster of the lower Colorado River, in consultation with the Colorado River Basin states, Native American Tribes, the Republic of Mexico and other interested parties. This includes the contracting and accounting of water deliveries.
Continue delivering of 9 million acre-feet of water and production of 6 billion kilowatt-hours of hydroelectric energy annually from lower Colorado River dams and associated powerplants.Develop and analyze adaptation and mitigation strategies to resolve water supply and demand imbalances in the Colorado River Basin.
Implement the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Plan to achieve long-term Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance for river operation and management.
Implement the necessary management programs for meeting salinity standards for Colorado River water supplies delivered to Mexico;dredging and bankline/levee maintenance to protect property adjacent to the river from high flows; reducing sediment accumulation that could impact the delivery of water in the U.S. and Mexico, and for cooperatively restoring backwaters along the river.
Participating in study groups and Federal negotiating teams work toward finalizing and implementing Native American Water Rights settlements to Colorado River water.
For more information on these programs and projects, visit other pages on our website, or contact our External Affairs Office by e-mail or by phone at: 702-293-8421.
For Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Dial: 711
Webmaster: sha-lcr-webcomments@usbr.gov
Projects & Places
Regional Offices
- Great Plains, Billings, MT
- Lower Colorado, Boulder City, NV
- Mid-Pacific, Sacramento CA
- Pacific Northwest, Boise, ID
- Upper Colorado, Salt Lake City, UT Area Offices
- Albuquerque Area Office, Albuquerque, NM
- Central California Area Office, Folsom, CA
- Columbia-Cascades Area Office, Yakima, WA
- Dakotas Area Office, Bismarck, ND
- Eastern Colorado Area Office, Loveland, CO
- Klamath Basin Area Office, Klamath Falls, OR
- Lahontan Basin Area Office, Carson City, NV
- Montana Area Office, Billings, MT
- Nebraska-Kansas Area Office, McCook, NE
- Northern California Area Office, Shasta Lake, CA
- Oklahoma-Texas Area Office, Austin, TX
- Phoenix Area Office, Glendale AZ
- Provo Area Office, Provo UT
- South-Central California Area Office, Fresno, CA
- Snake River Area Office, Boise ID
- Southern California Area Office, Temecula, CA
- Upper Colorado Power Office, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Western Colorado Area Office, Grand Junction, CO
- Wyoming Area Office, Mills, WY
- Yuma Area Office, Yuma AZ Denver Offices
- Dam Safety Officer - Design, Estimating and Construction
- Human Resources/Employment
- Mission Support Organization
- Power Resources Office
- Research and Development
- Security, Safety & Law Enforcement
- Technical Service Center Reclamation Offices
- List of Additional Reclamation Offices
- Agate Dam
- Agency Valley Dam
- Alcova Dam
- Almena Diversion Dam
- Altus Dam
- American Diversion Dam
- American Falls Dam
- Anchor Dam
- Anderson Ranch Dam
- Anderson-Rose Diversion Dam
- Angostura Dam
- Angostura Diversion Dam
- Anita Dam
- Arbuckle Dam
- Arrowrock Dam
- Arthur R Bowman Dam
- Arthur V Watkins Dam
- Avalon Dam
- B F Sisk Dam
- Barretts Diversion Dam
- Bartlett Dam
- Bartley Diversion Dam
- Belle Fourche Dam
- Belle Fourche Diversion Dam
- Big Sandy Dam
- Black Canyon Diversion Dam
- Blue Mesa Dam
- Boca Dam
- Boise River Diversion Dam
- Bonny Dam
- Box Butte Dam
- Boysen Dam
- Bradbury Dam
- Brantley Dam
- Bretch Diversion Dam
- Broadhead Diversion Dam
- Buckhorn Dam
- Buffalo Bill Dam
- Bull Lake Dam
- Bully Creek Dam
- Bumping Lake Dam
- C.C. Cragin
- Caballo Dam
- Cambridge Diversion Dam
- Camp Creek Diversion Dam
- Camp Dyer Diversion Dam
- Canyon Ferry Dam
- Carpinteria Dam
- Carson River Diversion Dam
- Carter Creek Diversion Dam
- Carter Lake Dam
- Cascade Dam
- Casitas Dam
- Causey Dam
- Cedar Bluff Dam
- Chapman Diversion Dam
- Cheney Dam
- Choke Canyon Dam
- Clark Canyon Dam
- Cle Elum Dam
- Clear Creek Dam
- Clear Lake Dam
- Cold Springs Dam
- Como Dam
- Conconully Dam
- Contra Loma Dam
- Corbett Diversion Dam
- Crane Prairie Dam
- Crawford Dam
- Crystal Dam
- Culbertson Diversion Dam
- Currant Creek Dam
- Davis Creek Dam
- Davis Dam
- Deadwood Dam
- Deaver Dam
- Deer Creek Dam
- Deer Flat East Dike Dam
- Deer Flat Lower Embankment
- Deer Flat Middle Embankment
- Deer Flat Upper Embankment
- Deerfield Dam
- Derby Diversion Dam
- Dickinson Dam
- Dille Diversion Dam
- Dixon Canyon Dam
- Dodson Diversion Dam
- Dressler Diversion Dam
- Dry Creek Diversion Dam
- Dry Falls Dam
- Dry Spotted Tail Diversion Dam
- Dunlap Diversion Dam
- East Canyon Dam
- East Park Dam
- East Portal Diversion Dam
- Easton Diversion Dam
- Echo Dam
- Eden Dam
- El Vado Dam
- Elephant Butte Dam
- Emigrant Dam
- Enders Dam
- Fish Lake Dam
- Flaming Gorge Dam
- Flatiron Afterbay Dam
- Folsom Dam
- Fontenelle Dam
- Fort Cobb Dam
- Fort Shaw Diversion Dam and Canal
- Foss Dam
- French Canyon Dam
- Fresno Dam
- Friant Dam
- Fruitgrowers Dam
- Fryingpan Diversion Dam
- Funks Dam
- Garnet Diversion Dam
- Gerber Dam
- Gibson Dam
- Glen Anne Dam
- Glen Canyon Dam
- Glen Elder Dam
- Glendo Dam
- Granby Dam
- Grand Coulee Dam
- Granite Creek Diversion Dam
- Granite Reef Diversion Dam
- Grassy Lake Dam
- Gray Reef Dam
- Green Mountain Dam
- Guernsey Dam
- Halfmoon Diversion Dam
- Hanover Diversion Dam
- Haystack Dam
- Heart Butte Dam
- Helena Valley Dam
- Heron Dam
- Hoover Dam
- Horse Creek Diversion Dam
- Horse Mesa Dam
- Horseshoe Dam
- Horsetooth Dam
- Howard Prairie Dam
- Hubbard Dam
- Hungry Horse Dam
- Hunter Creek Diversion Dam
- Huntington North Dam
- Hyatt Dam
- Hyrum Dam
- Imperial Diversion Dam
- Island Park Dam
- Isleta Diversion Dam
- Ivanhoe Diversion Dam
- Jackson Gulch Dam
- Jackson Lake Dam
- James Diversion Dam
- Jamestown Dam
- Joes Valley Dam
- John Franchi Diversion Dam
- Jordanelle Dam
- Kachess Dam
- Keechelus Dam
- Keene Creek Dam
- Kent Diversion Dam
- Keswick Dam
- Keyhole Dam
- Kirwin Dam
- Kortes Dam
- Laguna Diversion Dam
- Lahontan Dam
- Lake Alice No 1 Dam
- Lake Alice No 1and 1 Half Dam
- Lake Alice No 2 Dam
- Lake Sherburne Dam
- Lake Tahoe Dam
- Lauro Dam
- Lemon Dam
- Lewiston Dam
- Lily Pad Diversion Inlet Dam
- Link River Diversion Dam
- Little Hell Creek Diversion Dam
- Little Panoche Detention Dam
- Little Wood River Dam
- Los Banos Creek Detention Dam
- Lost Creek Dam
- Lost River Diversion Dam
- Lovewell Dam
- Lower Yellowstone Diversion Dam
- Malone Diversion Dam
- Mann Creek Dam
- Marble Bluff Dam
- Martinez Dam
- Marys Lake Dike Dam
- Mason Dam
- McGee Creek Dam
- McKay Dam
- McPhee Dam
- Medicine Creek Dam
- Meeks Cabin Dam
- Merritt Dam
- Middle Cunningham Creek Diversion Dam
- Midview Dam
- Midway Creek Diversion Dam
- Miller Diversion Dam
- Minatare Dam
- Minidoka Dam
- Monticello Dam
- Moon Lake Dam
- Mormon Creek Diversion Dam
- Mormon Flat Dam
- Mormon Island Auxilliary Dam
- Morrow Point Dam
- Mountain Park Dam
- Mt Elbert Forebay Dam
- Nambe Falls Dam
- Navajo Dam
- Nelson Dam
- New Melones Dam
- New Waddell Dam
- Newton Dam
- Nimbus Dam
- No Name Creek Diversion Dam
- Norman Dam
- North Cunningham Creek Diversion Dam
- North Dam
- North Fork Diversion Dam
- Northside Diversion Dam
- Norton Dam
- Ochoco Dam
- Olympus Dam
- Ortega Dam
- Owyhee Dam
- O`Neill Dam
- O`Sullivan Dam
- Pactola Dam
- Palisades Dam
- Palo Verde Diversion Dam
- Paonia Dam
- Paradise Diversion Dam
- Parker Dam
- Pathfinder Dam
- Pathfinder Dike Dam
- Pilot Butte Dam
- Pineview Dam
- Pinto Dam
- Pishkun Dikes
- Platoro Dam
- Pole Hill Afterbay Dam
- Prosser Creek Dam
- Pueblo Dam
- Putah Dam
- Rainbow Diversion Dam
- Ralston Dam
- Rattlesnake Dam
- Red Bluff Diversion Dam
- Red Fleet Dam
- Red Willow Creek Diversion Dam
- Red Willow Dam
- Reservoir A Dam
- Ridges Basin Dam
- Ridgway Dam
- Rifle Gap Dam
- Ririe Dam
- Robles Dam
- Roza Diversion Dam
- Ruedi Dam
- Rye Patch Dam
- Salmon Lake Dam
- San Acacia Diversion Dam
- San Justo Dam
- Sanford Dam
- Satanka Dike Dam
- Sawyer Diversion Dam
- Scofield Dam
- Scoggins Dam
- Seminoe Dam
- Senator Wash Dam
- Shadehill Dam
- Shadow Mountain Dam
- Shasta Dam
- Silver Jack Dam
- Sly Park Dam
- Soldier Canyon Dam
- Soldier Creek Dam
- Soldiers Meadow Dam
- South Cunningham Creek Diversion Dam
- South Fork Diversion Dam
- Spring Canyon Dam
- Spring Creek Debris Dam
- St. Mary Diversion Dam
- Stampede Dam
- Starvation Dam
- Stateline Dam
- Steinaker Dam
- Stewart Mountain Dam
- Stony Gorge Dam
- Sugar Loaf Dam
- Sumner Dam
- Sun River Diversion Dam
- Superior Courtland Diversion Dam
- Swift Current Dike
- Taylor Park Dam
- Terminal Dam
- Theodore Roosevelt Dam
- Thief Valley Dam
- Three Mile Falls Diversion Dam
- Tiber Dam
- Tieton Dam
- Trenton Dam
- Trinity Dam
- Tub Springs Creek Diversion Dam
- Twin Buttes Dam
- Twin Lakes Dam
- Twitchell Dam
- Unity Dam
- Upper Slaven Diversion Dam
- Upper Stillwater Dam
- Vallecito Dam
- Vandalia Diversion Dam
- Vega Dam
- Virginia Smith Dam
- Wanship Dam
- Warm Springs Dam
- Wasco Dam
- Webster Dam
- Whalen Diversion Dam
- Whiskeytown Dam
- Wickiup Dam
- Willow Creek Co Dam
- Willow Creek Dam
- Willwood Diversion Dam
- Wind River Diversion Dam
- Woodston Diversion Dam
- Yellowstone River Diversion Dam
- Yellowtail Afterbay Dam
- Yellowtail Dam
- Alcova Powerplant
- Anderson Ranch Powerplant
- Big Thompson Powerplant
- Black Canyon Powerplant
- Blue Mesa Powerplant
- Boise River Diversion Powerplant
- Boysen Powerplant
- Buffalo Bill Powerplant
- Canyon Ferry Powerplant
- Chandler Powerplant
- Crystal Powerplant
- Davis Powerplant
- Deer Creek Powerplant *
- Elephant Butte Powerplant
- Estes Powerplant
- Flaming Gorge Powerplant
- Flatiron Powerplant
- Folsom Powerplant
- Fontenelle Powerplant
- Fremont Canyon Powerplant
- Glen Canyon Powerplant
- Glendo Powerplant
- Grand Coulee Powerplant
- Green Mountain Powerplant
- Green Springs Powerplant
- Guernsey Powerplant
- Heart Mountain Powerplant
- Hoover Powerplant
- Hungry Horse Powerplant
- Judge Francis Carr Powerplant
- Keswick Powerplant
- Kortes Powerplant
- Lewiston Powerplant
- Lower Molina Powerplant
- Marys Lake Powerplant
- McPhee Powerplant *
- Minidoka Powerplant
- Morrow Point Powerplant
- Mount Elbert Powerplant
- New Melones Powerplant
- Nimbus Powerplant
- O`Neill Powerplant *
- Palisades Powerplant
- Parker Powerplant
- Pilot Butte Powerplant
- Pole Hill Powerplant
- Roza Powerplant
- San Luis (William R. Gianelli) Powerplant *
- Seminoe Powerplant
- Shasta Powerplant
- Shoshone Powerplant
- Spirit Mountain Powerplant
- Spring Creek Powerplant
- Stampede Powerplant
- Towaoc Powerplant *
- Trinity Powerplant
- Upper Molina Powerplant
- Yellowtail Powerplant
- Ainsworth Unit
- Almena Unit
- Angostura Division
- Animas-La Plata Project
- Arbuckle Project
- Armel Unit
- Arnold Project
- Auburn-Folsom South Unit Project
- Avondale Project
- Baker Project
- Balmorhea Project
- BCP - Coachella Canal Rehabilitation and Betterment
- Belle Fourche Project
- Bitter Root Project
- Boise Project
- Bostwick Division
- Bostwick Park Project
- Boulder Canyon Project - All-American Canal System
- Boulder Canyon Project - Hoover Dam
- Boysen Division
- Brantley Project
- Buffalo Rapids Project
- Buford -Trenton Project
- Burnt River Project
- Cachuma Project
- Canadian River Project
- Canyon Ferry Unit
- Carlsbad Project
- Cedar Bluff Unit
- Central Arizona Project
- Central Utah Project
- Central Utah Project - Bonneville Unit
- Central Utah Project - Jensen Unit
- Central Utah Project - Vernal Unit
- Central Valley Project
- Chief Joseph Dam Project
- Collbran Project
- Colorado River Basin Project
- Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Project
- Colorado River Front Work and Levee System
- Colorado River Storage Project
- Colorado-Big Thompson Project
- Columbia Basin Project
- CRBSCP - Coachella Canal Unit - Title I
- CRBSCP - Desalting Complex Unit - Title I
- CRBSCP - Grand Valley Unit - Title II
- CRBSCP - Las Vegas Wash Unit - Title II
- CRBSCP - Lower Gunnison Basin Unit - Title II
- CRBSCP - McElmo Creek Unit - Title II
- CRBSCP - Meeker Dome Unit - Title II
- CRBSCP - Paradox Valley Unit - Title II
- CRBSCP - Protective and Regulatory Pumping Unit - Title I
- Crescent Lake Dam Project
- Crooked River Project
- Crow Creek Pump Unit
- Dallas Creek Project
- Dalton Gardens Project
- Delta Division Project
- Deschutes Project
- Dickinson Unit
- Dolores Project
- East Bench Unit
- Eden Project
- Emery County Project
- Florida Project
- Folsom and Sly Park Units Project
- Fort Clark Unit
- Fort Sumner Project
- Frenchman-Cambridge Division
- Frenchtown Project
- Friant Division Project
- Fruitgrowers Project
- Fryingpan-Arkansas Project
- Garrison Diversion Unit
- Gila Project
- Glen Elder Unit
- Glendo Unit
- Grand Valley Project
- Hammond Project
- Hanover-Bluff Unit
- Heart Butte Unit
- Helena Valley Unit
- High Plains States Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Program Project
- Humboldt Project
- Hungry Horse Project
- Huntley Project
- Hyrum Project
- Intake Project
- James Diversion
- Jamestown Dam and Reservoir
- Kendrick Project
- Keyhole Unit
- Kirwin Unit
- Klamath Project
- Kortes Unit
- Lewiston Orchards Project
- Little Wood River Project
- Lower Marias Unit
- Lower Rio Grande Rehabilitation Project
- Lower Yellowstone Project
- Lyman Project
- Mancos Project
- Mann Creek Project
- McGee Creek Project
- McMillan Delta Project
- Michaud Flats Project
- Middle Rio Grande Project
- Milk River Project
- Minidoka Project
- Mirage Flats Project
- Missoula Valley Project
- Moon Lake Project
- Mountain Park Project
- Navajo Indian Irrigation Project
- Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project
- New Melones Unit Project
- Newlands Project
- Newton Project
- Norman Project
- North Loup Division
- North Platte Project
- Nueces River Project
- Ogden River Project
- Okanogan Project
- Orland Project
- Owl Creek Unit
- Owyhee Project
- Palisades Project
- Palo Verde Diversion Project
- Paonia Project
- Parker-Davis Project
- Pecos River Water Salvage Project
- Pick Sloan Missouri Basin Program
- Pine River Project
- Preston Bench Project
- Provo River Project
- R. B. Griffith Project
- Rapid Valley Project
- Rapid Valley Unit
- Rathdrum Prairie Project
- Rio Grande Project
- Ririe Project
- Riverton Unit
- Rogue River Basin Project
- Sacramento Canals Unit Project
- Salt River Project
- Salt River Project - Rehabilitation and Betterment
- San Angelo Project
- San Diego Project
- San Felipe Division Project
- San Juan-Chama Project
- San Luis Unit Project
- San Luis Valley Project
- Sanpete Project
- Santa Maria Project
- Savage Unit
- Scofield Project
- Seedskadee Project
- Shadehill Unit
- Shasta/Trinity River Division Project
- Shoshone Project
- Silt Project
- Smith Fork Project
- Solano Project
- Spokane Valley Project
- Strawberry Valley Project
- Sun River Project
- Teton Basin Project
- Truckee Storage Project
- Tualatin Project
- Tucumcari Project
- Umatilla Basin Project
- Uncompahgre Project
- Vale Project
- Ventura River Project
- Vermejo Project
- W.C. Austin Project
- Wapinitia Project
- Washita Basin Project
- Washoe Project
- Weber Basin Project
- Weber River Project
- Webster Unit
- Wichita Project
- Yakima Project
- Yellowtail Unit
- Yuma Auxiliary Project
- Yuma Project
Recreation & Public Use

The public may apply to use Reclamation land, facilities, and waterbodies, and may engage in the use only after proper authorization is received from Reclamation. Use authorizations are not required for permitted public recreational use of recreation areas and facilities open to the public. Read More →

Reclamation projects have created a variety of recreation opportunities on the rivers downstream from the dams, including world class whitewater rafting and fishing opportunities. Read More →

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