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Notice: The Visitor Center Exhibits and Observation Deck are currently closed for renovations. Work is scheduled for completion by Spring 2025.

Hoover Dam Tour Tickets - not currently available Authorized Vendors

Visiting Hoover Dam

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ROAD-BASED TOURS: Link to Authorized Vendors for available guided tours.

The Commercial Use Authorizations (CUA) Program will require tour operators to complete an authorization process to conduct commercial operations at Hoover Dam.

How to Get Your CUA

CUA Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CUA?

A commercial use authorization (CUA) allows an individual, group, company, or other for-profit entity to conduct commercial activities and provide specific visitor services at Hoover Dam.

Reclamation issues CUAs to manage a wide-range of commercial visitor services, including road-based commercial tours. Other activities which would require a CUA include professional photography and filming, guided hiking and backpacking, trail runs and marathon events, bike tours, kayak and raft trips, and weddings.

Why does Reclamation require CUAs?

The requirement is in 43 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 429.3 - It is illegal to conduct business on Reclamation lands, facilities or water bodies without a use authorization.

Additionally, 43 CFR 429.1 requires Reclamation to collect application and use fees and to recover administrative costs. CUA use fees stay at Hoover Dam and are used to recover program costs, including repair and maintenance of facilities.

Reclamation has historically issued use authorizations for special events conducted at its facilities and is implementing the CUA program for Road-Based Tour Operations to bring Hoover Dam operations into compliance with regulations.

Do I need a CUA?

A CUA is required if you provide any goods, activities, services, agreements, or other function for members, clients, or the public that:

  • take place at least in part on lands, waterbodies or facilities managed by Reclamation,
  • use Reclamation resources, and
  • result in compensation, monetary gain, benefit, or profit.

**You may not conduct commercial activities at Hoover Dam without a valid CUA.

How does Reclamation define road-based commercial tour and transport operators?

Road-based commercial tours and transporters are one or more persons traveling by vehicle on an improved roadway on an itinerary that a company or individual has packaged and priced for leisure/recreational purposes and/or the defined point-to-point pick-up and drop-off of passengers at Hoover Dam in designated areas, pullouts, and developed areas only.

Who needs to acquire the road-based commercial tour and transporter CUA — the tour operator or the chartered motorcoach company?

The responsibility for obtaining a road-based commercial tour CUA will fall on the company that packaged, priced, and sold the tour. A chartered motorcoach company does not need a road-based commercial tour CUA if the tour company paying for charter service determines the origin, destination, and scheduling of the trip. A charter company advertising tours to Hoover Dam, however, meets the definition of road-based commercial tour and must have a road-based commercial tour CUA.

Does Reclamation differentiate commercial from non-commercial and educational visitor groups?

Yes, non-commercial educational groups (K-12) do not need to obtain a road-based commercial tour CUA. However, commercial entities who provide guided, for-profit tours to educational groups are subject to the CUA requirement.

Are buses with luggage allowed to visit?

Buses with luggage are not allowed entry to Hoover Dam. All buses will be inspected, including a walk-through of the passenger area; carry-ons such as small backpacks are okay.

If I pay at the gate, do I get to park for free in the garage?

CUA operators are allowed to unload and load on Bus Level, purchasing Visitor Center Tickets is NOT required. Bus level does not open until 9 am - No buses allowed in before then.

    • There are six parking bays for unload / load on Bus Level. Passengers are only allowed to exit / enter vehicles in specified parking bays.
    • Those operators needing additional time will be directed to overflow parking lots in Arizona.
    • There is no parking on Bus Level.

Do you accept inter-park passes?

Inter-park passes are not accepted at Hoover Dam.

How do I apply for a CUA?

Applications and associated information, including any additional documentation requirements, are available on this page. We recommend you get your complete application in as early as possible to ensure you can provide uninterrupted tour operations at Hoover Dam.Commercial operators without a CUA for Hoover Dam will not be granted entry.

What fees do I need to pay?
Application Fees:
  • Application Fee - $100 per application, as set by 43 CFR 429.
  • Administrative Cost Recovery - $200 per application. Administrative Costs include allcosts incurred by Reclamation in processing your application and all costs associatedwith evaluating, issuing, monitoring, and terminating your use authorization onReclamation land, facilities, and waterbodies.
Use Fees:
  • Use Fee - $5 per person per entry. Use Fees are the amount due to Reclamation for theuse of Federal land, facilities, or waterbodies under our jurisdiction or control. Use feesare distinct and separate from application fees and administrative costs.The following are exempt from paying the Use Fee: Company employees like drivers and guides; children 3 and under.
How are the CUA fees used?

100% of CUA fees stay at Hoover Dam and are used to recover day-to-day road-based commercial tour and transporter management and monitoring costs. Reclamation will adjust the Use Fee periodically to account for increased costs including inflation, or as regulation requires.

How will I pay my CUA Fees?

You will submit your application and management fees when you apply for your CUA.

Use Fees can be paid in the following ways:

  • Use Fees can be paid in advance of that day’s visit(s) to the dam online, with verification/ adjustment to passenger counts completed at the CUA booth at the security checkpoint.
  • Use Fees can also be paid at the time of entry at the CUA booth at the security checkpoint Payments may be submitted via cash, credit card or electronic payments (e.g., PayPal, Apple Pay, Android Pay, etc.).
What am I responsible for after I get my CUA?

All CUA holders must comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Hoover Dam CUA. Lack of compliance can result in consequences ranging from increased management fees for your organization up to and including revocation of your CUA. For more info on Terms & Conditions and consequences, see the Hoover Dam Commercial Use Authorization Handbook.

When are CUA Renewals due?

Your CUA is good for one year from the date of issuance. Renewal reminders will be sent out to each current permit holder 90 days prior to the due date. Annual Road-Based Tour and Transporter CUAs will not be prorated.

How do road-based tours and transporters impact Hoover Dam?

About 32,000 commercial vehicles visit Hoover Dam each year. These vehicles are affiliated with commercial entities in the business of selling a variety of guided tour options. These vehicles bring about 800,000 visitors to Hoover Dam each year; these visitors utilize Hoover Dam facilities, and add to Hoover Dam’s operation and maintenance costs.

Operations and maintenance costs associated with these operators include items like: parking lot and road maintenance, restrooms and other infrastructure maintenance and repair, daily cleaning and trash removal, and security and policing of facilities.

What are the benefits of CUAs?

Hoover’s goal is to create a sustainable program providing a high quality visitor experience. Implementing the CUA program benefits the visiting public by ensuring all operators are licensed, insured and follow the same code of conduct.

What is the purpose of use fees?

Hoover Dam’s visitor facilities include the Dam, all surrounding Reclamation property, portions of the Colorado River, a portion of Lake Mead, Memorial Bridge Plaza, and the road that brings people in and out of the Hoover Dam visitor area. Hoover’s facilities require regular maintenance and refurbishment. Use fees will recover costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the visitor facilities.

Aren’t I already paying for the maintenance of Hoover Dam through my tax dollars?

Hoover Dam’s authorizing public law, the Boulder Canyon Project Act, requires the dam to be financially self-sufficient. Hoover Dam’s budget is approved and funded by organizations that have power contracts with Hoover Dam. These power customers have historically significantly subsidized the cost of Hoover Dam’s visitor services.

I already pay use fees for Lake Mead National Recreation Area - why do I need to pay for access to Hoover Dam? Aren’t they the same thing?

Lake Mead National Recreation Area is operated by the National Park Service. Hoover Dam is owned and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation. They are two different facilities, each with their own set of expenses and regulations.

When did the program go into effect?

Application acceptance began October 1, 2019. CUA Permit Enforcement began November 1, 2019. Use Fees began on November 2, 2020.

How is the Administration Cost Recovery Fee Determined?

The Administration Fee is set by 43 CFR 429. Administrative costs means all costs incurred by Reclamation in processing a commercial use authorization application and all costs associated with evaluating, issuing, monitoring, and terminating commercial use authorizations on Reclamation land, facilities, and waterbodies. Administrative costs are distinct and separate from application and Use Fees and typically include, but are not limited to:

  • Determining the Use Fee
  • Evaluating and documenting environmental and cultural resources compliance
  • Performing applicable engineering reviews
  • Preparation of the use authorization
  • Personnel and indirect costs directly associated with these actions.Applicants may request a breakdown of these costs.
What if I don’t have a CUA?
  • Your bus will stop at the checkpoint and receive the standard security inspection, then proceed to the Commercial Vehicle Fee Station.
  • A Temporary Authorization is issued for a period of 7 days and requires a $300 fee be paid to the fee station at the security checkpoint. A Temporary Authorization (TA) allows a tour operator to conduct short-term commercial activities at Hoover Dam without a CUA Permit.
  • Payments may be submitted via credit card or electronic payments (e.g., PayPal, ApplePay, Android Pay, etc.).
  • The bus can elect to not pay the fees and leave Hoover Dam. Failure to obtain an authorization while conducting commercial services in the Hoover Dam Security Zone may result in fines for each violation up to $5,000.00 and a mandatory court appearance.
  • The operator may pursue a CUA Permit and will be responsible for submitting a completed Use Authorization Application within 7 days of the TA being issued. Once the application is submitted, the TA will be added as an attachment to the application and the $300 fee will be applied as the Application Fee and Administrative Costs for processing the application. A commercial operator is allowed 1 TA per year. If the operator decides not to pursue a CUA Permit, they will not be permitted to enter the Hoover Dam Security Zone under a TA for one year.

For more information contact us at or 702-494-2601

Last Updated: 3/5/25