- Reclamation
- Missouri Basin and Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf
- Nebraska-Kansas Area Office
- Aerial Seeding of Red Willow Dam, Neb.
Aerial Seeding of Red Willow Dam, Neb.
Everything is set for the aerial seeding of native grass seed on approximately 630 acres of land in the Red Willow drawdown area. The pink line represents the approximate high water elevation for Red Willow Reservoir during 2009. The yellow line represents the approximate current reservoir elevation. The aerial seeding will focus on the land areas lying between the yellow and pink lines with emphasis given to the broader expanses of land areas between these lines, such as the areas of exposed land at the upper ends of the two main branches of the reservoir.
The seed mixture includes Prairie Dropseed, Western Wheatgrass, and Switchgrass. Red Willow Aviation will do the aerial broadcasting. They are hoping to seed into snow cover if possible, and are planning on waiting for a snow event - the seeding will take place, however, no later than April 9. The areas to be seeded will focus on the widest areas of soil exposure, mainly in the upper reaches of the two main branches of the reservoir. We are hopeful that the native grass will compete with the undesirable vegetation that typically overtakes previously flooded soil.