- Reclamation
- Missouri Basin and Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf
- Eastern Colorado Area Office
- Windy Gap Firming Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
Windy Gap Firming Project
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
- Record of Decision - Windy Gap Firming Project FEIS
- Federal Register Notice of Availability
- Cover, Abstract and Table of Contents (4.89 MB)
- Executive Summary (4.62 MB)
- Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need (3.07 MB)
- Chapter 2 - Proposed Action and Alternatives (19.79 MB)
- Chapter 3 - Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences (12.57 MB)
- Chapter 4 - Consultation and Coordination (2.41 MB)
- Appendices A through E (9.83 MB)
- Appendix F - Response to Comments on the Draft EIS
- Cooperating Agencies (25.10 MB)
- Government Agencies (23.09 MB)
- Organizations, Groups and Businesses (23.17 MB)
- Individuals and Form Letters (1.52 MB)
- Library List for the Final EIS (14 KB)