Dam Safety and Infrastructure


Welcome to Reclamation's Dam Safety and Infrastructure homepage. Links on the left will take you to the programs that comprise the Dam Safety and Infrastructure Directorate.

We hope you find these pages useful.

Once again ... Welcome!

Mission Statement

"To ensure the safety and reliability of Reclamation’s diverse infrastructure, the Dam Safety and Infrastructure Directorate effectively manages risk and maximizes the value of Reclamation’s assets for our stakeholders and the American public."

Vision Statement

Dam Safety and Infrastructure provides reliable stewardship and oversight for Reclamation’s diverse infrastructure portfolio. We leverage our expertise and unique perspectives to support our mission in collaboration with operating partners, stakeholders, and regional, area, and field offices.


  • Preserving the safety of infrastructure essential to managing Reclamation’s water resources in the western United States.
  • Promoting our customers’ success through receptive communication, integrity, and anticipating their needs and priorities.
  • Helping our people be successful and feel fulfilled by emphasizing career development, clear goals, and sharing our joy.
  • Fostering a culture of teamwork and collaboration by encouraging input from everyone, building trust, and helping each other.
  • Supporting the maintenance and operations of assets through investment insound science and engineering.
  • Leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise to responsibly assess mission critical work for the benefit of the American people.
  • Executing our programs based on comprehensive data and outstanding technical capability.

For information on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Investment, please visit the Reclamation Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Investments website.

For site maintenance contact: Webmaster
Last Updated: 07/17/2024