Risk Management

Risk Cadre

In 1998 a team of five individuals was formed at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Technical Service Center to further the development and implementation of risk analysis processes for dam safety. This team is called the Risk Cadre and is located in Denver, Colorado. 

The cadre has concentrated its efforts in the following areas of work:
  • Facilitating risk analyses
  • Developing a consistent risk analysis methodology
  • Developing toolboxes to the methodology to address specific areas of specialization
  • Work with other Reclamation personnel in the development of other toolboxes in the areas of loading probability and consequences
  • Work with Reclamation’s decision makers to further the development of risk assessment processes
  • Train others to facilitate risk analyses
  • Consult with other public agencies in risk analysis processes
  • Continually improve Reclamation’s risk analysis process

Members of the Risk Cadre have general expertise in facilitating risk analyses utilizing Reclamation’s risk analysis methodology. They also have certain areas of specialization with-respect-to risk analysis. The risk cadre members are listed as follows along with their areas of specialization.

Any Risk Cadre member may be contacted by email:

Risk Cadre Members
Jason Schneider JLSchneider@usbr.gov Specialization: Waterways and Concrete Dams
Walt Heyder WHeyder@usbr.gov Specialization: Waterways and Concrete Dams
Sheena Barnes SMbarnes@usbr.gov Specialization: Waterways and Concrete Dams
Dom Galic DGalic@usbr.gov Specialization: Embankment Dams
Scott Stevens SStevens@usbr.gov Specialization: Embankment Dams
Peter Irey PIrey@usbr.gov Specialization: Geotechnical Design
Dam Safety
Miguel Rocha MRocha@usbr.gov Specialization: Dam Safety
Peggy Mott PMott@usbr.gov Specialization: Dam Safety
Tim Tochtrop TTochtrop@usbr.gov Specialization: Dam Safety
Bob Pike RPike@usbr.gov Specialization: Dam Safety

For site maintenance contact: Webmaster
Last Updated: 02/29/2024